Health and beauty Are you beach body ready? In her regular column, Sarah Howard from The Therapy rooms in Springhead addresses issues that can affffect us all. In our summer edition she is asking you.......... Are you Beach Body Ready? ‘Oh no not another one of those articles ‘ I hear you say..................don’t you just hate them? I know I do! It’s an instant reminder of everything I’ve failed to do since I made my New Year’s resolutions in January. All those good intentions I had at the start of the year,‘I’ll lose a stone’,‘I’ll do more exercise’, the promises I made and the pressure I put on myself. Now all those good intentions have disappeared into a blur of Bank Holiday weekends and food and drink. And now I feel miserable, I feel a failure and I’m going to have a miserable summer. Is all this starting to sound familiar to you? Well this summer is going to be different and this is why. I’m telling myself a different story, instead of seeing failure I’m seeing success and here’s how I’m doing it... I’m being kinder to myself and I’m accepting myself for who I am. Instead of criticising my body, I’m thanking it for seeing me through some really hard times and some good ones! I’m being grateful for all the mornings I wake up and it carries me through the day. I’m focusing on the things I like about my body – my feet – rather than the things I don’t like – my tummy. I’m going to stop comparing myself to others and to appreciate myself as the wonderful unique human being I am. Instead of dieting I’m going to eat fresh seasonal summer fruit and vegetables. I’m going to keep active by taking walks in our lovely surrounding countryside, walking with friends and family too, so making it an even nicer experience. I’m going to have a fabulous summer and who knows I may even lose that elusive stone, but if not I won’t have failed I’ll have made some lovely memories. Yes, I am Beach Body ready, I am happy, free and confifident in my own body! Are you joining me? Saddleworth WI Summer News... The WI pride themselves in enriching the lives of their members up and down the land by organising a variety of events, trips, speakers, walks, craft groups and a book club, whilst still trying to maintain a fun and friendly atmosphere. Saddleworth WI are fully supportive of this way of thinking and wholeheartedly throw themselves into organising activities to suit all their members. In June the ladies of Saddleworth WI enjoyed many different activities including a First Aid Course where they learnt CPR, how to use a defifibrillator, how to put a patient into the recovery position and what to do if someone is choking.All very serious but a fun course at the same time. June also saw them lunching at the Old Bell, Delph where they enjoyed their lunch and the will certainly be back to sample further delights of the menu.The next Lunch Club will be on Monday 22nd July at The Waggon Inn, Uppermill. On June 23rd, for the fifirst time, SWI decided to take part in the Great Get Together at the White Hart Lydgate. This event is a national event and is all about encouraging the community to spend time together.The event is in memory of Jo Cox MP who, tragically lost her life 2 years ago. Jo believed in community. The ladies decided to fifill their stall with the best homemade cakes, biscuits, cupcakes, as well as a few surprises too. In July The Saddleworth WI have many more interesting activities for the coming months including a trip, on the 7th July to Haworth where they plan to do an easy/ medium walk around the beautiful countryside. For the non-walkers amongst you, you can take a stroll around this historic village of Haworth taking in the sights which includes the Parsonage where the famous sisters lived, as well as many shops, caféé, pubs and restaurants. The Guest Speaker, on the 3rd of July, will be George Pilkington of Nurturing Nature Ltd who will be talking about the birds and Bees.After years of painstaking and solitary bee observations and experimentations, George has created the award-winning Nurturing Nature Bumblebee Nest Box. George will talk about is work and the life of Birds and Bees. On 14th July whilst enjoying afternoon tea, Edwina Currie will be entertaining the group with her outlook on her time in politics.The title of her talk is Lies, Damned Lies and Politicians – a humorous look into why politicians tell such whoppers.The event takes place at 2.00pm in the Oak Room at The White Hart Inn and tickets cost just £25. In August the Guest Speaker will be Darcy Brown. Darcy has just completed her degree and will talk about her charity work with the people of Kenya. Saddleworth WI meet on the fifirst Wednesday of each month in The Oak Room at The White Hart Inn, meeting between 7.00pm for 7.30pm.Visitors are asked to pay £3.00 towards costs. For further information and to fifind out when are different groups meet, what activities or events are happening, then please visit their website at or go to the Facebook page. 24 www. Around