Business Your Questions Answered With the recent case of Owens v Owens throwing the spotlight ontAosdwivoerllcaespbroecinegdusroem,meaonfytahremasokisntgvwalhueatbhleratshsertesisa curcreonutplylesuccahntohwinng,apseans‘nionfsaualrt’edaivmorocneg. the least well understood and can easily be overlooked when reaching a At tdhiivsotrimce,stehtetleomnengtrowuinthdoinutEnpgrolapnedraanddviWcea.leGsiafonrna Pensions and divorce Is there such thing as a ‘no fault’ divorce? Can my ex-partner move abroad with our children? Lisiecki-Cunane, Saddleworth resident and partner at Pensions can be split between a divorcing couple using divorce is that the marriage has irretrievably broken down, reality of one parent living abroad with the children can JMW Solicitors LLP examines the issues. pension sharing orders, even if one party has no provision which must be evidenced by one of fifive facts: unreasonable quickly become a separated parent’s worst nightmare. At sbuecyhonand ethmeosttioatnealplyenfrsaiuognh. Itntiomteh,etrakciansges,toepnsetpoagrteyt ecxapnert atankdetailgorreadteardvsihcaereis oesf sneonnti-aple. nsion assets to compensate behaviour; adultery; desertion; separation for two years with the consent of both parties; and separation for fifive years The problem them, sometimes known as offsetting.There is also the Roepltoiocantionfgacpheilndsreionnaabtrtoaacdhmisennottorndleyrg, owvheircnheids bthyethreiglhatw osof EluntgiolannidnanpdaWrtaicleuslabrumt ainlsooriItnyteorfncaatisoensa. l and European without consent. The closest fact to there being ‘no fault’ currently is separation but this requires that a person wishing I remember last year reading research undertaken by to divorce must wait at least two years to bring their petition Prudential which showed that survey respondents who were approaching retirement had lower expected to tihnecodmiveosrcief )t.hOeyftehnad, oenxepoeribeontchepdamrtiaersrtiaogae mbraerarikadgoewnis.h to bAendailvyosirscelidkemtuhcishosnoloynterlltshpanartthoisfatnhde wstilol rthyebreuftoIredoagkrneeow thathoanteitwisillelassyebnltaimalefornctohuepoltehsegrobiyngpethtirtiounginhgaedvidvoenrcedto by on.All too often, people neglect pensions, to their cost. Law. A parent cannot relocate abroad with children without (and only then if the other party to the marriage will consent Financial advice The recent case of Owens v Owens was widely reported as an example of the unhappiness that the current divorce drawdown changed signifificantly in 2015, providing a huge What you can do variety of new options for those approaching retirement procedure can cause. Mrs Owens failed to show that her marriage to Mr Owens had irretrievably broken down due to The Family Court’s paramount concern is what will be in The fifirst step is to get to know your own situation as the child’s best interests. For the Court to allow a child to her Husband’s unreasonable behaviour, which he challenged bPenresiloncastaerdetnoolitvejuisnt afonrotpheorpcloeuwnhtroy tahre moroavbinoguptatroenbte mreutsirtebde. Cabolueptloesdedmivorncsitnragtienntohteoirntlwy tehnattietsheanmdotvheiritsieins many do not.As you move through your working life, you can build up multiple pension pots which can be over MrsloOowkednsdmueustotncohwanwgeasitoufnhtiolsmheahdadsrbeesesnosrerpeasrtartuecdturing frominMthreOfifiwnaencsiafolrse5ryveicaersbinedfousretrsyh.Memakaeyahativmeealidnievorfcaell becyaousrejMobrsOawnedntshwinikllanbootuctownsheanttptoentshieondsivworecre.included. Dig out your old paperwork and use www. WhfifiilnstdtpheenOsiownecnosn’ dtaectisi.osenrhvaicseb.grouv.guhkttoheseqeuewsthionaodfministers and argued that his behaviour had not been unreasonable. your pensions today. gives you security into the future. reform of divorce procedure fifirmly to the front of people’s plan will be put into place for the child to continue to have a relationship with the non-moving parent, and so on. Many families now have the opportunity to move abroad topursuethecareerandlifestyleadvantagesthatsucha What we can do relocation may bring. Whilst this may be the dream many A good solicitor will help you work out what you really couples share for themselves and their children, when a want from your fifinancial settlement in terms of pensions. relationship turns sour or breaks down altogether then the the consent of every person who has parental responsibility for the children. In the absence of consent from the non- I work closely with fifinancial advisers, planners and moving parent, a Court Order would be required before the actuaries so that my clients know that all possible avenues move could happen; failing which a relocation would be have been explored properly.The rules on pension regarded as an abduction of the children, with serious legal implications for the moving parent. age.This can be complicated and getting it wrong can land you with a huge – avoidable – tax bill. need to consider the issue seriously. Divorce costs money thechild’sbestinterestsbutthattheyhavealsodonetheir homeworkintermsofthepracticalities,forexamplethe simply because you need more resources to run two Courtwouldexpectthemtohaveaclearplanofwherethe households than one. However, there are ways of dealing children are going to be living, evidence of school places, with pensions to ensure that your divorce settlement evidence of the moving parent’s future employment, what minds, the divorce procedure currently does not enable a When your spouse is asked to provide you with fifinancial person to petition for divorce based on ‘no fault’. It is hopeful disclosure, you should get a chance to ask questions, that reform will be effffected in the future, with a private including whether you think there are any gaps in their members bill having been submitted to the House of Lords for pension history.That said, avoid the temptation to look fo conthsiedierraptriiovnataenpdaapGerosvaernomunednthceonhsoumltaetiboencnaouwseuint diserway. It isupnrloawpofusletdothsaetarthceh cthurroeungthdiyvourcresporoucsed’suprerisorenfaolrmed so tdhoactuampenrstosnwwitohuoludtbpeearbmleistsoiopne.tition for divorce by notifying the other party that the marriage has irretrievably broken down, without having to prove the breakdown by one of the fifive facts. If the reforms are introduced then the possibility to contest a divorce is likely to be abolished. For now, until any reforms are introduced by law, a person who wants to be divorced must still prove that their marriage has irretrievably broken down and prove one of the fifive facts to the Court rather than being able to rely on ‘no fault’. r early as possible should be any parent’s fifirst port of call. Sometimes matters can be resolved without involving the For an informal chat about this or any Court and getting some specialist and practical advice as other family law question, call me Gianna Lisiecki- Cunane on 0161 828 1883 or Call us for a free initial chat or visit Gianna Lisiecki-Cunane Elspeth Kinder Partner at JMW Solicitors Joint Head of Family Law Manchester T: 0161 828 8384 T: 0161 828 1883 M: 07713 342 409 E: