Page 71 JULY-AUGUST 2019R.pdf Full Version
Local musical talent kick starts a great weekend
By Phil Grainger (event organiser)
On Saturday 29th June, Wellifest 2019 was once again a great success
so a big thanks must go to all the musicians who kept everyone entertained from the start until the end.
  The event was also a great success due to the amount of people who purchased a ticket Prior to the Saturday. Last years event was the fifirst Wellifest Music Festival with an attendance of around four hundred people in the audience, but this year there where over a thousand people in the crowd which is absolutely wonderful.
Opening Wellifest 2019 was local singer/ songwriter Liberty Eaton who won the Wellifest singing competition.After Liberty there was a wide spectrum of music genre from rock, pop, blues and indie by cover bands to original bands
including The Salford Angel who headlined the event.
Saddleworth & Oldham Metro including myself would like to thank each and every person, performer and participant involved in the music festival because without their input, stage presence and keeping everyone entertained on the day, then there would be no festival.
The process of Wellifest 2020 has already started so everyone can expect next years event to be just as good if not better....We look forward to seeing you there!