Around Saddleworth & Tameside

Around Saddleworth & Tameside Magazine

Saddleworth Museum and Gallery

The Saddleworth Museum stands in a beautiful and historic location beside the Huddersfield Canal in the village of Uppermill, nestled in the hills in the middle of the area known as Saddleworth, an old Yorkshire Parish with its own identity. Uppermill is a busy, thriving village with lovely canal towpath walks, many small independent shops and plenty of places to eat & drink.

The Museum Galleries and Shop are open every day (except Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day).
Monday to Sunday 1-4 pm


Saddleworth Museum Galleries
Our modern galleries, with something for everyone, are amongst the best available for a museum of our size and type. We are an independent museum, a registered charity and an accredited museum. We are reliant on admission charges as part of our income and onward sustainability.


2020 Exhibitions

Saturday 18th January to Sunday 16th February 2020 Art “Exhibition”  by Steve Stringer & Dave Oag.

Saturday 22nd February to Sunday 22nd March Photo “Exhibition” by the Yorkshire Monochrome Group.

Saturday 28th March to Sunday 26th April Art “Exhibition” by Diana Terry artist.

Saturday 2nd May to Sunday 31st to Sunday 26th April Textile “Exhibition” by Marilyn McNeil.

From Saturday 11th July to Sunday 9th August  Art “Exhibition” by Joyce Vick and Richard Clare.

Saturday 15th August to Sunday 13th September Joint Art “Exhibition” by Robert Lees and one other.

Saturday 19th September to Sunday 18th October Art “Exhibition” by Philip Westcott

Saturday 24th October to Sunday 24th November Art “Exhibition” by Steve Bentley.

Saturday 28th November to Saturday 17th January 2021 Joint Art “Exhibition” by the Saddleworth Group of Artists.

Saddleworth Museum Weekly Events

Tuesday am and pm – Canal Side Quilters led by Sue Warburton. An Annual Fee and a small charge per session.

Wednesday am – Volunteers Day– volunteers may be using the gallery to work on museum collections etc.

Saddleworth Museum Fortnightly Events

Monday afternoons. Every two weeks (excepting bank holidays) – Family History Research (one-hour sessions) – by appointment only. Charge applies.

Saddleworth Museum Monthly Events

2nd Wednesday in the month – Friends Coffee Morning. £1.50.

2nd Sunday in the month – Friends Farmers Market. Free.

Saddleworth Museum Family Events

Monday 17th February, 1 – 3 pm Themed “Magic Monday” family craft sessions for 4 to 11-year olds. £3. In the community gallery.

Saddleworth Museum Other Events

Thursday 5th March, 1.30 – 3.15 pm “Explore Saddleworth’s Old Photographs”. A presentation from the archives by our curator Peter Fox. £3.

Saturday 14th (10 am to 4,30 pm) and Sunday (10 am to 4 pm). British  Railway Modelling Directory.

Friday 20th March 7 for 7.30 Fun Team Quiz evening with Supper.Community Gallery. £6

Admission Charges
Tickets are available from our reception/shop counter and are: – Concessions and Children £2, Adults £3 and we also offer a combined Family ticket at £6 for two adults and two children or grandchildren. Group charges for schools apply.

Prices for adult groups such as businesses or local societies are available on request.

Saddleworth Museum

High Street, Uppermill, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, OL3 6HS.

01457 874093


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