Around Saddleworth & Tameside

Around Saddleworth & Tameside Magazine

Food & DrinkNews

An exciting year ahead for Donkeystone Brewery

Donkeystone Brewing Co ended 2019 on a high after securing its planning permission to re-open its brewery tap room.




Planning permission was granted by Oldham council at its planning meeting on 18th December, however they did impose a number of stringent restrictions on the tap room’s operation. These include strict restrictions on its opening times and no drinking or eating allowed outside the building.


The tap room will be open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday (12pm to 6pm) to locals and visiting tourists eager to sample its amazing range of crafted ales.




The first major event of the year is the Manchester Beer & Cider Festival between 22nd – 25th January, where the brewery will be showcasing a range of its cask and keg ales which will include two new beers.


The first is a collaboration beer that has been created and crafted by Donkeystone and Stubborn Mule brewery from Manchester. The second is the brewery’s strongest beer yet, a Double American Red IPA at 7.4%ABV. This will be available at the festival on the Keg bar and will be available from the brewery in keg and cans from the end of January.

These will be the first of 10 new beers that the brewery will be releasing over the first 6 months of 2020, with many more beers in the pipeline for the rest of the year also.


These will add to the brewery’s core range of beers that helped them walk away with an impressive haul of 5 awards in 2019. The brewery is also planning a number of exciting events for 2020….so please look out for further information.


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