Around Saddleworth & Tameside

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FashionHealth & Beauty

Look & Feel Gorgeous This Valentines Day

Tips for How to Look & Feel Gorgeous this Valentines Day

By Catherine Maloney of House Of Colour


The Ladies

  1. Instead of a little black dress, embrace one of your wow colours in a style that suits you. From your style day, you’ll know the most important features to embrace ensuring that your outfit feels perfectly right for you. If you are a natural try a textured knitted dress or if you like a bit of drama try a halter neck dress. Or if you are a gamine maybe try a fitted cheong sam for something completely different. If you don’t want to wear a dress, then choose well-fitting trousers in a style and length that is you through and through, with interesting shoes and accessories.
  1. Red is of course viewed as the colour of love and some of us enjoy embracing it on Valentine’s Day but choose a tone of red that lifts your skin tone perfectly to give you a healthy glow. We all suit different reds; summer women could try a cherry red, autumns glow in brick reds, winters sparkle in scarlet, and springs look gorgeous in geranium.
  1. Choose one feature to enhance, whether that’s long legs, your cleavage or beautiful skin, but just don’t try and show everything off at once. Sizzle in your own style – whether that is classic or dramatic or perhaps romantic! Colour mix your wow colours to create outfit envy and to show you know how to mix and match uniquely.
  1. Without question, heels can lift an outfit and make you look more elongated but if you are unable to walk in heels then you will instantly lose your confidence and your look will crumble. Wear shoes that you can walk in, especially if your partner has planned a surprise and you have no idea how much walking there will be!
  1. Always balance your accessories. Big earrings rarely look good with a flamboyantly big necklace too. If you are feeling daring, wear a print in your style and pair it with accessories that suit you rather than something you might have seen in this month’s fashion mag.  Build up your look with the jewellery and that all-important pop of lipstick.


     The Men

  1. Tonight’s the night to impress your other half but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be suited and booted. Make sure everything fits well. There is nothing worse than trousers that are too long (or too short!), or shirts which are too baggy. Quality will show you care about yourself and therefore the person you are with.
  1. Use colour around your face to lift your look. Wear one of your wow-coloured (well-ironed) shirts, ties or jumpers. Paired with smart chinos or jeans and a neutral jacket, this look will suit most outings on Valentine’s Day.
  1. Make sure that your hair is just as sharp as your outfit – get a nice haircut in advance and make sure you are well-groomed and moisturised!
  1. The detail is everything. Match your belt with your shoe colour as a rule of thumb – it always brings an outfit together. Wear a nice watch – white metal if you are a winter or summer season, or gold, copper or bronze if you are an autumn or spring.  Think about fabrics, patterns and necklines.
  1. Wear a smart, fitted coat this cold Valentines to smarten up your outfit. A scarf in one or some of your wow colours will bring the whole ensemble together.

And that’s how to Look & Feel Gorgeous This Valentines Day!

Catherine Maloney, is the House of Colour Image Consultant for Bury, Rochdale, Oldham and Tameside areas. She successfully achieved the Professional Excellence Certificate after being assessed in 2019.


Catherine completed her consultant training 10 years ago after being introduced to House of Colour as a special birthday gift. She had never realised what she was missing out on! She has now happily combined her House of Colour work with her existing role as a Physiotherapist. Although both jobs are very different, Catherine finds them equally rewarding, enjoyable and satisfying!


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