Around Saddleworth & Tameside

Around Saddleworth & Tameside Magazine

Out & About

How You Can Help Willow Wood In Seconds!

Have you ever thought how you can help Willow Wood if you have just seconds or minutes to spare?

Willow Wood cares for thousands of local people throughout the year. But they couldn’t maintain and develop that care without support from our community.  That support comes in many ways: fundraising, volunteering and of course financial.

Get Social

If you’re on social media please take the time to follow us on Facebook (@WillowWoodH) and twitter (@willowwoodh).  By sharing our posts, you are helping us reach people who may not know about the life-enhancing services we offer.  Or who may well want to join with some of our fundraising activities?  It’s such an easy and simple thing to do but can make a real difference to the lives of so many.

20 Minutes to Spare?

If you’ve got 20 minutes or so to spare, we’d be very grateful if you could have a clear-out and bag or box up any clothes that no longer fit. Curtains or ornaments that don’t match your new décor or books that you’ve already read.  The next time you’re passing your local Hospice shop or our distribution centre just drop them in so they can be sold to raise vital funds.  And if you’ve good quality furniture you no longer want, or too many bags and boxes for you to manage we can even arrange a collection.  Just ring 0161 330 7445 between 9-4 pm Monday to Saturday.

Double Your Efforts

Of course, many people do raise funds for us, and we are very grateful for their fundraising efforts.  But did you know that your employer may be able to match the funds you have raised? Effectively doubling your money?  Willow Wood day patient Lorraine took part in our Midnight Wander last September. This month her employers, the Halifax Building Society, doubled the £500 she’d raised in sponsorship. This Meant that she could present us with a cheque for £1,000!  Our thanks to both Lorraine and the Halifax for their wonderful support.

If you are able to contribute financially it is surprising how a small, but the regular gift can add up over the year.  Just £3 could buy arts and crafts material for a child’s counselling through play session. While £10 a month would, over the course of a year, pay for one hour’s medical care.  Completing our regular giving donation form online takes just minutes but gives so much.

It really is surprising how many ways there are to help your local community – why not visit and see just how easily you can make a difference.

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