Around Saddleworth & Tameside

Around Saddleworth & Tameside Magazine


Coronavirus: The New Regulations

Coronavirus: The New Regulations from 4th July

Mr Johnson’s “conditional plan” for easing the coronavirus lockdown in England previously set out three phases.

The slogan of “stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives” was changed to “stay alert, control the virus, save lives”.

On 23 June, Mr Johnson gave his latest update on what restrictions will be lifted from 4 July, as he said the government’s approach was to “trust the British public to use their common sense in the full knowledge of the risks”.


From 4 July:
  • The two-metre social distancing rule will be reduced to “one-metre plus”
  • Pubs and restaurants can reopen but will have to take the names and contact details of customers in case they need to be reached as part of the government’s test and trace programme
  • People will be allowed to stay overnight at hotels, bed and breakfasts and campsites
  • Hairdressers and barbers can reopen
  • Community centres and bingo halls will be permitted to reopen
  • Wedding services of up to 30 people will be allowed, provided social distancing is maintained, with places of worship permitted to reopen
  • Outdoor gyms and playgrounds can be used
  • All reopened premises will have to introduce a range of safety measures to ensure they are “COVID secure”
  • Gatherings of two different households can take place indoors, providing social distancing is maintained, meaning families will be reunited and dinner parties will be allowed. People are however still advised to limit the time they spend with others
  • Most leisure facilities and tourist attractions can reopen


What restrictions are still in place?
  • People still can’t hug their loved ones
  • Theatres and concert halls can begin operating, but cannot stage live performances
  • Nightclubs, indoor gyms and beauty salons must remain closed “for now”
  • Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden said the government is hoping to reopen gyms and leisure centres in mid-July
  • Spas, casinos, nail bars, tattoo parlours, massage parlours, soft play areas, swimming pools, bowling alleys and water parks cannot reopen


What people could already do before:
  • Gather in groups of up to six people in public or private outdoor spaces, as long as social distancing was practised
  • Visit non-essential shops
  • Play sports such as tennis and football with the people that they meet, but only if it is possible to keep a two-metre distance
  • Return to school if they are in reception, Year 1, Year 6 or of nursery age – despite teaching unions expressing serious doubts
  • Meet loved ones if they had been “shielding” from the virus
  • Visit outdoor retail spaces such as outdoor markets and car showrooms where social distancing can be observed
  • Return home from university if it was a permanent move
  • Go to property viewings in person and visit agents for both sales and rentals
  • Invite nannies and childminders to come to their house to look after children, provided good public health measures are adhered to
  • Form a “support bubble” with one other household – meeting inside and staying overnight – if they live alone or are a single parent with a child under 18
Advice for over 70s and the vulnerable:

Millions of people “shielding” during the coronavirus outbreak will be able to meet six others from outside their home from 6 July.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced the change will apply in England for those deemed clinically “extremely vulnerable”.

They will no longer have to shield from 1 August – but the government says support from the NHS volunteer scheme and local councils will remain in place.

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