Page 64 JULY-AUGUST 2019R.pdf Full Version
                                   FUNKY FITNESS & FUN
Welcome to the SUMMER
All the Funky Fitness and Fun team are looking forward to an exciting summer ahead.Theyve enjoyed welcoming some new members to the group along with some new members of staff. They took the opportunity to run a great interactive workshop for all members to look at how they want to work together, ensuring they can all enjoy the sessions in a safe and happy way. All staff regularly undertake professional training and have recently renewed First Aid, Safeguarding, Food Hygiene certifification and they are very grateful to them for that.
Supporting other groups in the community is part of their ethos and they are actively looking for groups they can network with, sharing experience and knowledge. Do you work with a community group who might want to work with this enterprising bunch? Don’t be shy: check out the website and send the team an e-mail www.
Funky Fitness and Fun CIC
Funky Fitness and Fun CIC is a non-profifit organization. Established since 2008. Katie, one of the newly qualifified
Dance Leaders is reaching out to local schools who might like their pupils to enjoy their very special dance experience.
Thanks to Reg and Liam, the Funky Fitness team are adding further strings to their bow, or rather to their Ukele! The team feel fortunate and grateful that Reg has offered his time to tutor several of members who are enthusiastically embracing the opportunity.
The Big Lunch has the aim of getting as many people as possible across the whole of the UK to have lunch with neighbours and wider community as a simple act of friendship.The team have had such a lovely time and they’re delighted to have been invited to Lido House to share lunch and a bit of fun with the residents.
The Great Get Together is inspired by MP Jo Cox, who was killed on 16 June 2016. She was very committed to bringing communities together to celebrate all that unites us.The teams contribution was a Funky Mad Hatter Afternoon Tea at the Satellite Centre in Greenfifield.A big thank you must go to Jo’s family who set up the fund that enabled so many events to be organised around the country.
The Funky Fitness team are so excited and working really hard to deliver their project learning all about growing food on the allotments and working with Saddleworth Cookery School to produce nutritious meals. Dates are now in the diary, on a rota basis we will be arranging luncheon clubs with four local residential homes.
They kicked off the cookery project by attending Food Hygiene workshops; oh and they found time to make some lovely soup for lunch.
Until next time, the Funky Fitness crew offer best wishes to one and all, so take care of each other.
There’s a new business networking referral group in town and they go by the name of BNI Paramount. Based at the White Hart in Lydgate, BNI Paramount are a group of local Oldham business owners
who meet every Tuesday morning to discuss their businesses and help each other grow through referral networking.
                                                                 • Guest Speakers • Free Parking
• Free Entry
The group are currently at 22 members but are growing quickly, they recently held a visitors day, which attracted 23 guest businesses.Their goal is to have 30+ members by August which will generate over £1,000,000 of business between them.
So, if your serious about growing your business and increasing your
sales, would like to be part of this growing networking group and would like an invitation to meet the members, then contact Rachel Freeman (, Gary Vèère( or Tom Croft ( uk) who will be happy to answer all your questions and get you put on theguest list.
     Milan Bar
 13 Elliott St, Lees Oldham OL4 3DY Doors open: 10.00am
Register for your FREE ticket