Around Saddleworth & Tameside

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Anthony Holden Memorial Fundraiser

Anthony Holden Memorial Fundraiser

10th November 2019


For the second year running, friends and family of the late Anthony (“Tony”) Holden got together at Uppermill Sports Club to raise money for charity in his memory.

A competitive (but friendly) pool match was played between a team consisting of existing members of the Hare and Hounds A team and the Gate Inn, which Tony used to captain, versus a team made up of former members of both teams.

This year the current players got the better of their predecessors and they won the match 9-7. A crib competition was also held which was won by Collin Whittam.

The event raised £700 and all proceeds will be split between Pancreatic Cancer UK, the disease which Tony sadly succumbed to last year, and the stroke ward at Bury Hospital.

Asked for her thoughts on the day, Tony’s sister Jacquie said, “A big thank you to all the friends and family that turned up on the day.  Anthony was a larger than life character and it’s great to know that so many people thought the world of him and gave up their time and money to raise funds which will hopefully go towards finding a cure for this terrible disease.”

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