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Pearsons’ staff swap coffee for cash for Maggie’s during coronavirus crisis

Coffee for Cash as Charities Hit Hard Times during Corona Crisis

The staff at Pearson Solicitors and Financial Advisers have been volunteering at Maggie’s cancer centre in Oldham, but like many charities, the centre is being hit hard by the Corona pandemic, so staff at the Oldham firm are swopping coffee for cash and donating it to the centre.

Saving Money on the Small Things

 “Take away cappuccinos and a latte on the way to work, or meetings in Costa are an everyday occurrence during the working week.  

A flat white to get you through the afternoon is often a must, but with these now taken away from us and all our staff home working we are saving money on the small things,” said Suzanne Wright, of Pearson Solicitors.  “As a firm, we are still open for business. All be it in a very different way, we’re all working from home. FaceTime and phone meetings and telephone hearings are the new normal, but we didn’t want to forget our commitment to our charity during the corona crisis.



“A staff member said she was sad being unable to volunteer at Maggie’s and suggested the coffee scheme. So whilst we are all home working we are asking staff to pop in a pot all the money they would have spent on drinks. Once we are all back at work we will tot it all up and donate to the charity,” added Suzanne.

Obviously the care of patients is paramount especially during this difficult time. But with no NHS or Government funding, Maggie’s relies on external assistance to keep open providing essential support for over 10,000 people in Oldham every year.

Nominated Charity

 Staff at Pearson nominated Maggie’s as their charity of the year 2020 and already this year have been showing guests around the centre, hosting information meetings for businesses, working hard cleaning outdoors after a long wet winter, power-washing and generally making coffee for visitors.


Commenting on the coffee project, Laura Tomlinson, Fundraising Manager at Maggie’s said:


“Maggies are here doing everything we can to support people living with cancer through the COVID-19 emergency. By phone, video calls, email and through our online community.


“We understand how the current situation increases stress and anxiety levels for people undergoing treatment, as well as family and friends. But we are here with them offering practical and emotional support to help them cope with the challenging times ahead.  


“We absolutely love Pearson’s ideas of coffee for cash – it’s just brilliant!  



“Now more than ever we are needed and will continue to be here for everyone with cancer. But we can’t do this without the generosity of our supporters. So we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all at Pearson. For thinking of helping Maggie’s during these really difficult times for us all.  

“Without their incredible support our work quite simply would not be possible and for that, we can’t thank them enough.”


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