Around Saddleworth & Tameside

Around Saddleworth & Tameside Magazine

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New for April 2020, THE WILLOW WOOD BUNNY HOP!

Willow Wood is hoping to get thousands of local children hopping, skipping or jumping across their playground or school hall to raise funds for their local Hospice. Each child receives a set of brightly coloured bunny ears, a certificate and a delicious chocolate treat for doing so!

Community fundraiser Laura Marinelli explains:

“We’re hoping to get local schools, nurseries, playgroups and other children’s organisations joining in our Bunny Hop. And they can choose a date and time to suit, so long as it’s in April to keep with the Easter Theme.


Children who join in the BUNNY HOP! get a set of brightly coloured bunny ears, a certificate and a Cadbury’s Crème Egg as a thank you for being involved.  All we ask is for a suggested minimum donation of just £1.50 to cover costs. Although any sponsorship the children can raise over and above this would be greatly appreciated!”

The Bunny Hop is a way of really putting the fun back into fundraising. This could act as a good starting point to discuss charities and their role generally in society in PHSE lessons.  Some children will inevitably have had some contact with Willow Wood and know of our care.

Willow Wood would be delighted to come along to talk about their place in the community and how your fundraising helps us.  They could even bring along their mascot, Woody the Bear!

All the schools have to do is to decide on the best date for them. Willow Wood provides the ears, chocolate treats, certificates, sponsor envelopes and also posters ready to be personalised and letters to parents and guardians explaining all about the Bunny Hop.

Laura said “I will be contacting all local schools in the next week or so. If you’re interested or would like more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

Either by ringing 0161 330 7788 or emailing

We’ve also been appealing for donations of the Cadbury’s Crème Eggs to help us keep our costs down.  I’d like to say a big thank you to Morrisons in Denton who have donated 96 eggs. To Virgin Money in Stockport who have set up a collection table in their premises. And to the Newton branch of the Co-op who have donated 48 Crème Eggs to that collection.  We’ve also had many smaller donations from members of the public. I really can’t tell you how much we appreciate each and everyone.”

Further information is available on the Willow Wood website,

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