Around Saddleworth & Tameside

Around Saddleworth & Tameside Magazine


A Fantastic year for… BNI MASTERS

A Fantastic year for… BNI MASTERS


2018 was an amazing year for the networking businesses in and around the Greater Manchester region.


Some BNI chapters and individual members were even recognised nationally for their contributions to the local business economy. One of these included local business man and entrepreneur Luke Sugden who set up the new Stalybridge BNI Master business chapter which he hosts at Stalybridge Celtic football ground every Friday morning. Luke said, “BNI Masters have had an amazing year and they have grown from a group of 23 when we launched in June up to 39 members at the end of 2018, which is fantastic.” “We have generated over £1.2 million for the local businesses and as we enter 2019 we will be looking to increase this number even more.

It makes perfect business sense to join and give this proven winning formula a go”. When we asked what it meant for him to set the Stalybridge chapter, Luke told us “I have grown up in the local area from been a young school boy to becoming a business owner who now employs local people to carry services for others local people.” “I wanted to help my home town and give something back. Since I have been in business one of the best things that has changed my whole mind set and helped grow my company has been becoming part of BNI.” “This 33 year old globe organisation in the last 12 months has generated over £512 million for the members of the UK and Ireland with billions more globally.” If you would like an invite to one of the local BNI events then simply call Luke Sugden on 07883076157. Hit 2019 running and become part of a winning team by joining BNI today!

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