Around Saddleworth & Tameside

Around Saddleworth & Tameside Magazine


Party in the Park Event Cancelled

ORGANISERS  of Saddleworth’s most popular event, Party in the Park, have reluctantly cancelled this year’s event, due to take place on September 19.

Volunteers from Wake Up Delph, who launched the event 15 years ago, and event managers New Image (PR) Ltd., who have been involved from day one, have taken the decision after consulting with Oldham Council.

In a joint statement the organisers said: “In view of the ongoing national situation regarding the coronavirus pandemic, we have reluctantly concluded that this year’s Party in the Park is unlikely to go ahead.”

Anne Hargreaves from Wake Up Delph, and Martyn Torr, from NIPR, spoke with the local authority, who licence the event, held at Delph Cricket Club.

In their joint statement, they added: “Oldham Council are looking at the situation on a month-to-month basis, following government and medical advice.

“We have contractual obligations with a host of suppliers, from the acts to the funfair, the cleaners to the fireworks.  If we leave the decision too late, and we have to meet these contracts, the reserves will be wiped out and the volunteers who make this event happen could be left looking at liabilities.

“The only responsible course of action is to say that this year will not proceed.”

The organisers have left the door slightly ajar by saying that, if the circumstances change, they would be willing to put on a smaller event to give the people of Saddleworth some hope of a day out after the lockdown.

But this is dependent on a number of factors, not least being the availability of the cricket field should the season resume and continue into late autumn.

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