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Oldham Council to restart recycling rounds

Recycling rounds are restarting

Oldham Council temporarily introduced weekly general waste collections so they could continue collecting waste from homes on a regular basis given the immediate impact that government restrictions placed on the service.

From Monday, April 27  either your grey, blue or brown bin will be emptied on your usual collection day – just as before the Coronavirus forced the temporarily change.

At this stage, you can put food waste in your grey bin and your green bin/food caddy which will be picked up on brown bin collection week which means that food waste will be collected regularly.

This is to make sure that we still collect your garden waste over the summer, albeit on a reduced frequency.

Councillor Ateeque Ur Rehman, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services, said: “The Coronavirus had, and continues to have, a major impact on staffing levels which is why we temporarily introduced grey bin collections so we could prioritise general household waste.

“The pandemic isn’t over so we still need to protect our crews by practising social distancing in the cabs. However, staffing levels have now improved so we can restart recycling rounds.

“Please help spread the word and look out for your neighbours and check that they are able to put the right bins out.

“We know these have, and continue to be, difficult times for everyone. But it’s been amazing to see how residents have come out and shown their support for our bin crews, who do a brilliant job supporting our communities.

“Thanks for all your understanding, co-operation and support over the last few weeks.”

Reverting back to our three weekly collections will help cut waste, which is important for the environment and helping to reduce costs.

To check which bin you should put out – by 7 am on your usual collection day – visit www.oldham.gov.uk/binchecker or look at your collection calendar.

For further assistance email us at waste@oldham.gov.uk or call 0161 770 6644.

For more local news visit: https://aroundsaddleworth.co.uk/

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